3 Main Causes Of Septic Backup

Any septic tank owner will tell you that the most dreaded issue is a septic backup. A septic tank is meant to collect all the waste from your home in a tank that is separate from the house. However, a backup means that your wastes are flowing in the opposite direction, and wastewater returns to your home. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck! As you can imagine, this is a stinky and inconvenient problem, but it also poses dangers and health risks. Below are the three main causes of septic backup.
#1 The Tank is Too Full
Your septic tank is designed to do its work independently, but that does not mean it can be neglected. As the septic system works to reduce the volume of solid wastes in your tank, it creates a sludge layer at the bottom of the tank that needs to be pumped out regularly. Not pumping your tank on a regular basis to remove the thick sludge layer can cause the tank to overflow and back up.
#2 The Lines are Blocked
Having large, beautiful trees in your yard makes a wonderful statement, but you need to be mindful of tree roots with a septic system. Tree roots have the ability to spread in any direction. Many times, tree roots grow into the drain pipes of a septic system, and as they expand, they can block the passage of water to the tank or cause the drain pipes to bust. If you have trees close to your septic tank, you will want to keep a close watch on how the roots spread.
#3 The Use of Harsh Chemicals
The septic system relies on the natural bacterium within the tank. While we often think of bacteria as a bad thing, bacteria are great when it comes to your septic system. “Good” bacteria work in the tank to break down solid waste. Using harsh chemicals and household cleaners that rinse into your septic tank can kill the bacteria.
If you have a septic system, the best way to prevent a disruptive septic backup in your home is with proper maintenance. Septic Service Pro is licensed and insured to pump, repair, and inspect septic systems in Georgia. Call today to learn more about avoiding septic tank backups. Trust us – a little prevention goes a long way!
Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro