Odors From Sink Drains

Unpleasant odors that come from your sink can not only be annoying, but they can also reveal issues that could be occurring in your septic system. Here are some tips to try if your sinks are emitting foul odors, and how to know when it is time to call in a septic system professional.
Clean the Sink Overflow
If your bathroom sink is smelly, check the sink overflow. This hole is usually located either underneath the faucet or directly across from it. Often, this overflow can become clogged, allowing odors to enter your bathroom. Use a small bottle brush, or mix a solution of half bleach, half water to clean away the buildup.
Clean the Sink and Tub Drains
Bathroom drains are inundated with many different types of materials. Hair shampoos and conditioners, toothpaste and soaps can all clog drains. This buildup can lead to bacterial growth that can cause odors.
One easy do-it-yourself solution is to use vinegar and baking soda to clear away the buildup. Begin by sprinkling one cup of baking soda on the drain, allowing it to sit for a few minutes. Follow this with two cups of vinegar. The vinegar and baking soda will react, causing it to bubble. Let the solution sit in the drain for several minutes, and then flush the drain with some hot water.
You can repeat this process until the smell disappears. Use this trick as part of your regular cleaning routine to keep your pipes clean and odor-free.
Check for Leaks
It is possible that sink drain odors could be originating from leaky pipes. If a pipe is leaking, sewer smells can escape into your bathroom. Check under the sink for any signs of a leak, such as standing water or evidence of a water ring.
A Septic Tank Inspection Could Stop Sink Odors
If you have tried all of the above tips but still notice a sewage smell in your bathroom, it is a good idea to have your septic system inspected. Septic Service Pro offers inspections conducted by trained and experienced professionals who will check for any issues in your septic system. Call to schedule an inspection today.
Posted on Behalf of Septic Service Pro