Tips for New Septic Tank Owners

Moving is an exciting time. Whether you are relocating for a new job out of state, “upgrading” from a starter home to a bigger house for your growing family, or downsizing as empty-nesters, moving can bring about many changes. If you are moving from a home on a sewer system to a home with a septic system, there are a few key differences that you need to be aware of.
Here are some basic guidelines to become familiar with if you are new to septic tank ownership:
- You are responsible for your septic tank. Homeowners are the sole responsible party for maintaining and repairing a septic system. You need to become familiar with where your septic tank is located, when (if ever) it was pumped last, how large the tank is, and what a good maintenance schedule looks like.
- Septic tank pumping is non-negotiable. While you may not want to spend the money to have your septic tank pumped every few years, it is something that must be done. Septic pumping involves removing the wastes that cannot dissolve inside the septic tank. Over time, a solid layer of scum and sludge will build up and will lead to septic failure if it is ignored – talk about a stinky mess! In general, septic tanks should be pumped every 3 to 5 years.
- Septic tank cleaning is not the same as septic tank pumping. Not all septic companies take the extra step to clean your septic tank after pumping the waste out. Make sure you ask about septic tank cleaning to keep your tank working properly longer.
- Septic tank inspections are important.A septic inspection can save homeowners a lot of money and even more hassle. During a septic tank inspection, we will check for sewage leak out and odors and evaluate your septic system’s drain field lines to ensure they are working to absorb wastewater.
- Be mindful of what you flush and put down the drain.There are certain “rules” to follow when you are on a septic system. Nothing other than “septic safe” toilet paper and wastes should ever be flushed down the toilets. You must refrain from putting harsh chemicals and oils into the drains, as these can disrupt the healthy pH balance in the septic tank. Septic tanks are designed to work independently for years at a time, but without proper care, they will not be able to do their job.
At Septic Service Pro, we are your source for septic repair, installation, pumping, and maintenance service. Contact us today for a FREE estimate.
Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro